Lately, I have been obsessed with watching room and
apartment tours on YouTube. I love seeing how people decorate their homes
because it is a direct representation of who you are as a person. I swear
when I move into my own apartment one day I am constantly going to be
redecorating. I pulled together some pictures from Pinterest to kind of
show my style of how I would love my home to look.
Okay, so first off I would love if I had a 4
bedroom / 2 bath apartment. I would have my own master bedroom with a
bathroom. An office, a guest bedroom, a guest bathroom, and the last
spare bedroom I would actually convert it into a walk-in closet. I would
also love a huge kitchen and living room connecting with a balcony. Now
obviously, these apartments are expensive and I'm not saying I am getting one,
but I would just love to have one like this is all I'm saying.
Now because I am that person whose closet is at
capacity and yet I refuse to stop shopping- I would love to turn a spare
bedroom into a huge walk in closet. I would have all of my clothes
properly displayed out in the open. I'd have dressers for certain things
like leggings or extra t-shirts. I would have shelves that I could put my
shoes on. I would also have all purses and jewelry in their own place.
I just think having a huge closet where everything has a place would be
so much better than a squished dresser that is overflowing.

The next thing would be my office. I want a
huge office in my home one day with a lot of windows so it doesn't seem like I’m
stuck inside all day. I would have the desk in the middle of the room
with a Macintosh desktop computer and lots of bookcases and shelves surrounding
my walls. I would also have any awards that I have won or any particular
certification up on those shelves. I think that an office should motivate
you and make you want to work hard on whatever assignment or project that you
are working on.

Obviously I would want my master bedroom to be gigantic, but
I want it to be all white as well. Now, I
don’t know if I trust myself until I am older with an all white bedroom, but I
would love to have all white furniture with white blankets and then to add some
color to my room I could add any type of colored blankets, pillows, or artwork
to my room as well. I would only want
maybe one dresser in my room for my favorite pajamas and socks. I would also want a lot of pictures in my
room too. I love having framed pictures
I think it just makes the room look classy.
And of course to top it all off I would want a huge bed with a lot of
fluffy blankets. I want it to feel like
I’m on a cloud!

As far as bathrooms, kitchen, and a living room go I would
want them to look nice and clean all the time.
I would make sure that things are organized and stored properly since
that’s what people see when they visit someone’s home.
I would always make sure that my house looked as nice as I
wanted it to. I love how homes can
represent who you are as a person and I love that there are tons of different
ideas out there that you can borrow from.
These are just some ideas that I like- what would your ideal home look
If you want to follow my ‘Home Board’ on Pinterest here is
the link: