One // Yeezys. Ugh, I know. I'm so basic. Seriously though I wouldn't even mind rocking some fakezeys because I just love how they're designed. Simple colors are my thing and I'm not one to wear bright orange sneakers. These hit the mark on every level. I just don't believe in paying so much for some shoes.... If only I was rich.
Two // Tiffany & Co Dog Bone Tag. Omar and I were talking one night about things I like from Tiffany's and we came across this gem. Before you even ask, you want this on your neck? Uh, no. Try my dog's neck. I want to put this bad boy on my dog's collar next to his $8 PetsMart tag. It's classy, cute, and I can't think of a reason not to buy this.
Three // Basically any Kardashian book. The Kardashians are not my role models by any means (even though I have the biggest girl crush on Kourtney Kardashian), but I do like their style and the products that they keep putting out. Something that I love is to read and I would just love to read their books and see if it's as interesting as their television show!
Four // Cartier Love Bracelet. I mean, there's no reason to ever spend this much money on a piece of jewelry when I still have student loans to pay for. I just can't help but to imagine for "one day." At least I like the rose gold one so I'm not that basic... right?
Five // GoPro Fetch Harness. This is one of those things that I would probably only use a handful of times and then it will get stored in my closet. However, I would have so much fun with Oliver and watch from his point of view. Then again, after the first couple times, how interesting is a dog's life really? Someone buy me this so I can make a blog post about it!
What's on your "want but shouldn't want" list?
xoxo, Michele
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