August 12, 2016

accessories for park adventures
Continuing the Park Adventure Series here on my page I decided to give you some tips on the accessories you should pack for a day in the park.  There were something that I wish I had brought and some items that I'm happy that I had with me.  Remember, these parks are an all day thing so make sure you're only carrying what you need.

August 10, 2016

walt disney world
If you guys remember I was in Orlando, Florida Florida for 4th of July weekend and it was a total blast!  Even though we went to the beach, we went downtown, and we randomly decided to go to Universal Studios, the main reason we went to Orlando was specifically for the magical Walt Disney World!  A couple of people from the group had never been there and the other half hadn't been since they were kids.

August 03, 2016

the hills
Lauren Conrad came back to MTV for a night and it was magical!  If you were a Laguna Beach fan and a Hills fan then you were just as excited as I was for her big return for The Hills special last night.  I love Lauren Conrad.  She's so different from the normal reality television stars.  It was obvious that even while watching the show, as planned out as it was, she would walk away from situations that made her uncomfortable.  She was always herself and as she grew up she was able to admit when she was dramatic but also that it was her real dramatic self.  It was definitely interesting to see the other side and never before seen video clips of the show.


Michele, One "L". Theme by STS.