Quick & Easy Pudding Pie Recipe

Jacksonville, NC, USA

When my mom came to visit me she taught me this scrumptious recipe to make pudding pie.  How crazy does that sound?  It was the easiest thing though and it was so, so, so, so good!  It last me like a whole week too even after she left!  That's one of the perks of living alone... no one eats your food.  That is until Gabe came over and finally asked, "What is this?  It looks good," and he ate my last piece!  Next time Gabe and I told him we would make our own pudding pies.  That's the recipes I'm sharing with you today!

There are so many different flavors of pudding you can really get creative here. The first things you'll need is the INSTANT pudding.  I didn't know there was a difference and I have a ton of hot pudding recipes.  What you want is the instant one so make sure you pay attention to that label on the box.  The next thing is the pie crust.  You can get super fancy and make your own or you can buy pre-made pie crust.  We got the Oreo pie crust to go with the Oreo pudding, but you can mix it up and do the graham cracker pie crust to go with the cheesecake pudding.  You also need milk!  So make sure you have enough of that.  Cool Whip is the next ingredient.  Just buy the big tub.  You can also get creative with any toppings.  My mom and I had crumbled up some Oreos and sprinkled them on top of the Oreo one.  For the cheesecake one though we just left plain.  Also, make sure to buy enough boxes of pudding.  It takes 3 small boxes to fill out the pie crust.  However, it only took one box of the large Oreo pack to fill it up.  You can't really go wrong here with the measurements, but you want to make sure you have enough to fill it up.  If you have extra leftover that just means more pudding for you!


- Pudding (1-3 boxes depending on size of box)
- Milk
- Cool Whip
- Pie Crust


Follow the instructions on the side of the pudding box.  Mix the milk with the pudding packet and stir.  Once mixed set in freezer for a faster instant cooling.  

Once the pudding is thicker, but not to a maximum thickness, mix large spoonfuls of Cool Whip.  There is no exact amount of Cool Whip to be added, it's all based on personal preference.

Then let set in fridge until pudding is at maximum thickness.

While the pudding sets open up the pie crust and prepare toppings (if any).

Pull the pudding out of the fridge and pour into pie crust.  Put toppings on top.

Cut a slice, and enjoy!

There you have it!  A super fun, easy, and delicious recipe that you can make!  Even Oliver had fun baking with us!

xoxo, Michele


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