Apartment Tour: Living Room

Jacksonville, NC, USA
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Welcome back to the continued series of our lovely apartment tour!  I had recently posted the Sunroom/Office tour and it got a ton of views! I seriously didn't think that you guys would like it that much, but you did so I'm continuing the series and moving over a bit to the living room.  The living room is one of the first things when you see when you walk into the apartment and honestly, it's really spacious.  I think it looks a lot bigger in these pictures, but it's not that big.  It's not small either.  I think it's the perfect size for a one bedroom apartment to be honest.

I really love the size of our apartment because it's big enough to where Omar and I aren't on top of each other and we can do our own thing, but it's also big enough with a lot of storage for all of my stuff and Omar's work stuff.  Seriously, I can't stress this enough, we have a TON of storage space.  I also love how big our apartment is because Oliver is a full grown husky and even though we take him on a ton of walks every day, it's big enough for him too.  We can actually play fetch in our apartment with him without breaking anything.  I mentioned in my last apartment tour post that we kept our color scheme very simple.  Grey and white!  It was a compromise because I wanted everything white and Omar wanted everything black.  So we simple mixed the two.  Again, most of the furniture is from Ikea because I got a ton of gift cards for Ikea, Target, and Lowe's for Christmas so it was pretty easy to pick things out that we both liked.  I feel like our living room was probably the easiest to put together because it required the least amount of furniture pieces.  After finding the perfect couch that was in our price range and that we both liked, the rest was pretty easy.

I'll start with the couch.  We actually decided to get a futon because as I said, it's a one bedroom so when people come and visit we like to have a place that they can fold out and sleep on.  We found this grey one that is quite honestly so perfect for our home at Target for $180!  The table next to it was from Marshalls for less than $50.  It's a really heavy marble top with grey metal legs.  On top of the table I have one of those polaroid frames my mom got me for Christmas with a polaroid of Omar and I from New Years Eve a couple years ago.  Next to that is a pineapple candle holder that my mom got me for Christmas a couple years ago with a candle inside of it.  I have a cabinet filled with candles and sprays for the apartment because I love when the aparment smells good.  I will always have ton of candles lit up, especailly during the fall/winter because it makes the home much more cozier.  Behind the candle are two photo albums that I made Omar (one is from me and one is from Oliver) for Christmas.  He was deployed this year for Christmas so I wanted to give him some easy reminders of home that he can hold onto until he got back.  Next to that is a mini air freshner that smells so good!  It's from Target and the scent is fresh cotton.  Then I have this weird looking brown thing, but let me explain.  It's an automatic air freshner dispenser.  I first saw these at my mom's house and I was so intrigued by it.  Then I went to the dollar store and they had a coupon where if you buy the air freshner then the dispenser was free... I mean what? I had to get it and I have the Glade cashmere woods spray in it and it sprays every 35 minutes.  Under the table is our wifi box, it fits prefectly under there without being too obvious.  Then next to the table is a tall lamp from Target.  I forgot how much it cost but I'm pretty sure it was less than $10.  It's not the best source of light, but it gets the job done.  There's no actual light in our living room so most of the light comes from windows and the kitchen, but it works.  We do keep a long blanket over the couch becaues Oliver sheds pretty bad and I got tired of vaccumming the couch every other day.  On the couch we have two pillows, the white fluffy one (from At Home) that used to look a lot cuter than what it looks like now (Thanks to Oliver's puppy chewing phase) and the Audrey Hepburn bubble gum one that my mom got me for Christmas.  Then we have this white throw blanket (from At Home) that has pom pom's on the end of it.  It's the simplest couch set up, but I love it.  Next to the couch is Oliver's basket of toys (Marshall's), it fits perfect in the corner and he loves to dig (and knock it over) to find whichever toy he wants to play with.

The next thing I'll go over is our coffee table (Ikea).  My best friend, Stepheni Moran, bought me either the television stand or the coffee table, I can't remember which one, but thanks again Moran!  The coffee table, television stand, and the bookcase are all from the same collection at Ikea.  They have white and glass features on them that jsut make them very glamourous and simple at the same time.  So the coffee table actually has two parts to it.  It's the long two-shelfed part then there is a smaller, yet taller, square one-shelf that can be apart or overlapping the smaller table.  On the table I have those crystal coasters.  I have been wanting these for so long, but they're so expensive.  Then when I was Christmas shopping I came across these ones at Charming Charlie's for only $18!  I couldn't help but to get them.  On the other table underneat we have a ton of games!  Omar and I love to play board and card games and we've slowly started to build our collection.  When we first moved in all we had was UNO and a deck of cards, but as time went on we've added some more.  We now have Monopoly, Jenga, Connect 4, Clue, two decks of UNO, Cards Against Humanity, Phase 10, Joking Hazard, Drunk Stoned or Stupid, Mini Fooseball, and six deck of cards!  Phew.  We also keep a pen and mini notebook under there to keep score for certain games.  Underneath the table is a rug, not sure where it's from, that actually came from my old bedroom back at home.  Above the couch is our gallery wall.  I've talked about this in another post, but I've added a few things to it since then.  I've recently added the "You are my sunshine" sign my mom got me for Christmas, the husky print, the blair waldorf quote, and the Redskins player autograph my friend Maria got me!

Across the room is our television set up.  So again the television set is from Ikea and it's white with glass.  The television was a gift from Omar's parents and it fits perfecty on the stand.  Undearth we have Omar's xbox which is how we watch television.  We used to have a cable box too, but we never watched live television and a DVR is super expensive so we decided to cancel our cable and just keep the wifi.  We also have Omar's Nitendo 64 that I got him for Christmas a couple years ago.  Then on one shelf I have my favorite little picture frame that fits four mini pictures in it.  I have two pictures of Austin and two of Guppy.  I love seeing this every day beacuse it reminds me that they're watching over me.  The other shelf has two empty candle jars that I cleaned out and have filled with sea shells that Omar has collected from all the beaches we've gone to.  He even sent me some from Okinawa!  Then in the smaller candle jar is the black sand from Iwojima.  Then I have a framed picture of Omar in his cami's.  I love this little set up because again, it's something I got to see everyday when he was gone.  Next to the telvision we have Oliver's bed on one side and on the other side is Omar's gamer chair that I got him for Valentine's Day when we first moved intogether.

Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room
Apartment Tour: Living Room

Here is a list of everything I could possibly find.  If I couldn't find the exact thing, I found as close as I could get!

Picture Frames
Coffee Table
Marble Side Table
Board Games; Monopoly, Uno, Phase 10, Joking Hazard, Connect 4, Clue, Jenga, Drunk Stoned or Stupid, Cards Against Humanity, Fooseball, and regular deck of cards.
Oliver's Toy Basket
Television Stand
Nitendo 64
Dog Bed
Gamer Chair

And that's it!  That's our living room where we spend 90% of our time!  Like I said, I love our living room and how spacious it is.  It's super cozy and combines both of our personalities really well.  Stay tuned for more!

xoxo, Michele


Michele, One "L". Theme by STS.