How To Detox Your Life

Lake Anna, Virginia, USA
How To Detox Your Life
It’s so important to take a day or two to refresh and clear your mind. We can so easily get caught up being on the go, go, go but we never take time to just stop. Even when we go on vacation, we’re constantly thinking about what we’re doing, where we’re going, and the best picture to post online. I love to getaway to the lake and take a weekend to disconnect from the buzz back home and simply relax.

Whenever I’m feeling a bit tightly wound and need a breather I like to escape to the lake. It’s the most peaceful area where I get to go on the boat, go in the water, and make s’mores by the fireplace. It’s also the worst place to cell phone reception so it’s very easy to LITERALLY disconnect from the Internet and social media.

We are always doing things at the lake, but it’s a relaxing type of “doing things.” We start out morning with a hot cup of coffee and sit outside looking at the sun through the trees and the birds chirping above us. It’s honestly the most relaxing mornings. Then we’ll start packing food for the boat while the boys get the boat ready. After the boat is ready everyone loads up and hits the water. I LOVE BOAT RIDES! So does Oliver, he will just sit there and let the water hit his face. He gets very confused though when it’s my turn to drive the boat because he doesn’t understand why I’m not sitting next to him. After we spend all day on the boat getting a sun tan and jumping off the rope swing we’ll head back to the lake house. This is the unwinding part of the day, because even though you’re just tanning on a boat all day you’re in the sun and that can take a lot out of you. After taking a much needed shower I love to relax and put a facemask on and curl up with a good book while my mom starts dinner. This unwinding part is so important because it allows you to not only catch up on your beauty routine but also forces you to pick up a book instead of going online.

After we eat dinner we will usually goof around on the golf cart or walk the dogs. I love how quite and peaceful the lake is. It makes for the perfect getaway weekend. Aside from finding the perfect place to getaway too, it’s important to really try to put your phone away. Leave your phone behind when you go for a walk or a boat ride. Make sure to really disconnect from it, because it’s so healthy to take a break from technology now and then. It’s also important to refocus on your beauty routine. I know we tend to skip a step or two but this is the time where you don’t need to focus on anything else but yourself. If you need to get a workout in or do some stretches this is the perfect time to do so.
Refocus on physical activities versus the computer screen. I tend to write a lot at work and in my personal time, but when is the last time I actually wrote with pen and paper versus on a Word document? I love to take out a notebook and jot down ideas I have for my blog. Maybe drawing or sketching is your thing. Head outside and sit in the sun while we do this. Get some fresh air and just take a deep breath. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as it’s relaxing for you. Reading, writing, drawing, or even doing some yoga in the fresh air can help you to calm down and detox.
Even though I may not be checking my Instagram every two seconds, doesn’t mean I’ve stopped my creative juices from flowing. I love to break out my camera and take some really nice photos. Especially since the lake is such a beautiful and unique location. I also like to fine tune some of my skills so for this weekend the “study” book I packed was a Photoshop and Lightroom guide. So after the photoshoot I was able to take some of the photos we took from that day and I worked on some new things in Photoshop and Lightroom while dinner was being made. I gave myself a time frame though so I wasn’t working on it all night long as I typically do.

Finally, my last suggestion is to get a good night’s rest. I am an advent sleeping pill taker. My body just doesn’t function like a normal person’s when it’s tired. I could be exhausted and still not fall asleep because my insides are still wired. It’s honestly very refreshing when I can drift off to sleep without any medicine and I always get a good night’s sleep at the lake.

How To Detox Your Life
How To Detox Your Life
How To Detox Your Life
How To Detox Your Life
How To Detox Your Life

xoxo, Michele


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