"Nothing great ever came from comfort zones." Though I've known this quote for a while, it never truly resonated with me until now. I have a good feeling about 2019, better yet, I have a good feeling about turning 26. I fought my age for as long as I could, but I'm finally feeling ready and to be quite frank- confident- to conquer what I'm meant to conquer.
In order to do so I have to step out of my comfort zones and push my very own boundaries. This blog is no exception. I've finally taken the leap and purchased not just a domain, but also the LLC attached to the domain. I started to take charge of my personal finances and launch my own business while working full-time and landing a job in my field (finally!).
It's kind of like this black, velvet jumpsuit. I thought it was the ugliest thing and totally not my style, but when my friend forced me to try it on I loved it right away. With life, fashion and everything in between you can't turn your nose up to something because it's a little different.
Life is going to give you lemons, that's a given, it's up to you to to decide what lemon flavored drink you'd like to make with those lemons. I have a good feeling about year twenty-six. It's going to be one for the books.
xoxo, Michele