I'm so proud to be a #FabFitFunAffiliate and happy to share my discount link with all of you today. I'm sharing all of the products that came in my box and you can find all of these products on Amazon, but here's the thing- 99% of these products cost MORE than the actual box subscription. Sign up today by clicking this link here for $10 off your first order!

CLICK THE LINK HERE for $10 off your first order!

This Works Evening Detox Spray-On Exfoliant | Silked Satin Pillow Cover | Winky Lux Universal Eyebrow Pencil | SpongellƩ Hand Cream | MakeupDrop Hybrid Blending Sponge | This Works Sleep Together Calming Spray | Michael Kors Passport Wallet | Issac Mizrahi Loves xo, Sienna Vase | TOMS Sydney Sunglasses | Pottery Barn Mason Diffuser in Solstice
On top of sharing what I got in my box, I want to start sharing some discount codes that I receive! All of these amazing products and companies that work with Fab Fit Fun give us discount codes, so happy shopping!
Business & Pleasure Co.– 20% off site wide with code FFF20
Riddle– 20% off site your entire purchase with code YKLUV20
ZoĆ« Ayla– 50% off your first order with code LOVEFABFITFUN
SpongellĆØ– 30% off your entire purchase with code FABFITFUN30
Yumi Kim– 20% off site your entire purchase with code ROXFFF
Silked– 25% off your entire purchase with code FFF25
L*Space– Free mystery gift with any purchase with code FABGIFT
Winky Lux– 20% off your entire purchase with code FFF20
The Giving Keys– 20% off your entire purchase with code FABFITFUN
Terre MĆØre– 20% off your entire purchase with code LOVEFFF
MakeupDrop– 50% off your entire purchase with code FABFITFUN
The Lyfestyle Co.– 35% off your entire purchase with code LOVEFFF35
Amika– 30% off your entire purchase with code FFF30
TOMS– 10% off site wide with the following codes: FFFUS10 at toms.com, FFFCA10 at toms.ca, FFFUK10 at toms.co.uk
Click here for $10 off your first FAB FIT FUN order!
xoxo, Michele
Use my UBER LINK & CODE and get a free ride: michelek761ue
Use my FAB FIT FUN LINK and get $10 off: $10 OFF
Use my EYE BUY DIRECT LINK & CODE and get $10 off: IFTCQF8XJQ
Use my WINC link & get a free bottle of wine: FREE BOTTLE
Use my FACETORY LINK and get 7 free masks: 7 FREE MASKS
Use my BARK BOX LINK and get a free box: FREE BOX
Shop my Instagram posts: www.liketoknow.it/michelekatsaris
Shop using my AMAZON LINK: https://amzn.to/2NaUbi3
Shop my Poshmark & Mercari: Poshmark | Mercari
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