I connected with Paige back in April when I had to re-do the millennial pages due to COVID-19. I found her story so interesting that I knew she needed her own two-pages. We quickly set up a time to talk and the topic of her interview is more adult-sensitive than others I have done. I'm really proud of Paige's interview and her answers were so well-rounded and soul driven.
*Disclaimer: To start off, I work at Salvation Army National Headquarters in the publications department. The magazine I work on is called War Cry. I will be doing a post later on about my job and what it's like working for a non-profit, but that post will be later on. I do feel I need to add a disclaimer here, I am not a religious person so when I took this job I did my research and made sure that my personal values and opinions weren't being compromised. I can proudly say they are not (don't let one idiot skew your opinion of the millions of people who work for a company) and I'm pretty proud of the work and accomplishments I've made while working here. I am the Assistant to the Editorial Director, but I do so much more than an assistant's work. My managers have really entrusted me with a lot of responsibility and anything I can do to enhance my skill set and build my portfolio I take the opportunity to do so. Though I am not a religious person, the people I do interview are and the questions recall faith-inspired answers.

College life has changed over the last few years. You’re encouraged to participate in social activities and make new friends. With that comes peer pressure to attend parties. Recent college grad and content creator Paige Taylor shares her story on how she found a balance between enjoying young adulthood while staying loyal to God’s Word.
WC: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Paige: I’m a social media manager for my church and for a local boutique here in Alabama, and I recently received my degree in communications with a focus in new media. I married my high school sweetheart back in 2018 and we have an eight-month old baby. I have my own blog called Paige’s Proverbs.
WC: What made you want to start a blog?
Paige: I was in this place of where I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I didn’t know where I want to go. I had changed my major so many times, and I asked God, “What do you want me to do with my life?” I was by myself at work steaming clothes and it just came to me. He told me to create a blog, and I said to Him, “Well God, if that’s what You really want me to do, I need a name for it.” And that’s when the name Paige’s Proverbs came up. I’ve always loved to inspire and encourage people. So, it was really cool because a proverb is a piece of advice. So, I built my website, and I’ve just been going since then.
WC: You recently gradated and left the “college party scene.” Young adults struggle during the college years with balancing a social life and their beliefs. How did you find a balance and what are some of your viewpoints on socializing in college?
Paige: When I was in high school, I started going to a non-denominational church with my husband (then boyfriend), and so my viewpoint has always been that drinking in moderation is fine. Of course, when you go to college, it can get out of hand. The biggest struggle was trying to balance wanting to go out with my friends but still wanting to do what was right in the eyes of God. And of course, I’ve messed up plenty of times, but the main thing to focus on is finding your balance and knowing, “Okay, I can go out and have fun, but I don’t have to push myself to the extreme to the point where I could be sinning.”
WC: What if someone does mess up and goes a little too far? How do you think they should handle it the next day?
Paige: Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there. The first time that happened to me, I was super hard on myself. I thought God was so disappointed in me, and I felt like a terrible person. That’s not what you should do though. Instead, you should take time to reflect. Move forward in your relationship with God and always know that He loves you. He’s not mad at you. If you feel like you need to talk to God and repent about something that happened, you can do that at any time. There’s no reason to hate yourself, because God doesn’t hate you.
WC: Have you ever felt judged by those who thought you weren’t going out as much as them, or on the other side judged by those who thought you should not socialize to begin with?
Paige: I was never put in a spot where the Christian community judged me, because I surround myself with Christians who have the same beliefs as me. But I have dealt with friends that question my faith because I can easily talk about God and share His Word, but then I’ll go out with them and they will make a “joke” saying, “How can a Christian be out at a party?” That became annoying very quickly. I know who I am in Jesus, and who He calls me to be.
WC: If you do end up doing something you regret or wish you could change, should you spend time with Him alone or go to church and ask for forgiveness?
Paige: Whenever you’re tempted to do something you know is wrong, know that God always gives us a way out. Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (NIV). There’s nothing that we, with the help of God, can’t get ourselves out of.
WC: Do you ever receive backlash about things that you post online, and if so, how do you handle it?
Paige: I honestly have to remind myself that I’m not doing this for people, I’m doing this to serve God. I’m doing what I’m called to do. Reminding myself of these things doesn’t always immediately make me feel better, but I’ve learned, over the years, to keep reminding myself of those things.
WC: Between work, school, your blog, marriage, a social life and now an eight-month old baby, how do you find time for everything?
Paige: I honestly invested in a planner. I have to write it all down, because I would stress myself out. I had to really learn to calm down, rest and then make a plan and most importantly, stick to that plan. Of course, things come up, but I had to stop letting myself get so stressed out. And so, I allow myself to rest, calm down, take the time that I need and not push myself so much. Find your balance, taking it one step at a time, and don’t put too much on your plate.
WC: What are some of your best accomplishments, and what are some goals for the future?
Paige: Some of my biggest accomplishments are starting my blog because that took a lot for me to put myself out there on social media and talk about God. I’ve grown so much, and I’ve become so much bolder in my faith. I think that’s a huge accomplishment to be proud of. Another accomplishment is for sure graduating. I’m so happy about that. Some goals that I’m working towards for the end of this year are to finish my first book and to come out with a guided prayer journal.
WC: What advice would you give to young adults who are going through a similar transition in their lives?
Paige: My advice to them is that we have to live for God. Whenever I’m tempted to do something that isn’t good for me, I remind myself of the big picture–this isn’t just about a party or about drinking, this is about your eternity. This is about following God. He said the straight and narrow path would not be easy. To go do whatever the world wants you to do is going to be easy. It’s not easy to follow God’s way all the time. It’s not easy to do the right things all the time, but it’s worth it in the end. Think about the big picture, and it helps you remember to do what’s right and to live for God.
Be sure to follow Paige on Instagram @paigesproverbs and subscribe to her blog at paigesproverbs.com.
Credit: This story originally appeared on thewarcry.org. Stay tuned for more interviews and articles of my work that I'll be sharing š! Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see behind the scenes of me at work @michelekatsaris.
xoxo, Michele
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